How to Utilize Amazon A/B Testing for FBA Sellers

When working hard to grow your business, you want to do everything possible to ensure that selling your Amazon FBA runs smoothly. With so much stimulation on the internet, you have to make a memorable first impression. Otherwise, you may get lost. 

Luckily, you can clear that up with Amazon A/B testing, optimizing your FBA business and sales significantly. Here, we’ll break down Amazon split testing, why you should use it, and how it can benefit you, in the long run, using this best practice.

Say goodbye to inconsistent business strategy and hello to a clear trajectory. 

What is Amazon A/B Testing?

Amazon A/B Testing (also called “split testing”) compares different versions of listing components to see which yields the most positive results for sales. You can utilize an AB testing tool when it comes to Amazon advertising. A/B split testing puts each set of desired features in a controlled environment where you can access precise measurements, data, and Amazon FBA analytics. Using this data and testing tool to your advantage means you can permanently instill the highest-performing factors into your listing. 

A/B testing can benefit you in various ways, including: 

  • Increased visibility
  • Improved customer loyalty
  • More streamlined customer process
  • Increased influx of conversion rates

You can watch your business take off as you’d never imagined by carefully considering each element in your selling process. 

How to Run A/B Testing?

So how exactly can Amazon FBA sellers run a successful split test? There are multiple ways you can choose to go about it. Depending on how much attention you can dedicate to the cause, you can opt for a more intensive or hands-off approach. 

  • Manual A/B – Test your listing manually by changing one aspect of your listing (your product image, for example) and monitoring performance over a two-week period. At the end of the two weeks, change the chosen factor and see what changes. You can view your metrics in ‘Seller Central’ under ‘Business Reports.’ 
  • Experiments ToolIf brand-registered, you can use Amazon’s ‘Manage Your Experiments’ tool to compare content with multivariate testing. The A/B test Amazon created allows you to test both samples simultaneously rather than running them separately. You can create a new controlled experiment by going to your Brand registry and clicking on the Brands drop-down menu. From there, follow the 'Manage Your Experiments' link. 
  • Polling – Do an Amazon experiment and ask your audience what they think directly. If you have a large social media following, you can construct a poll and post it on Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter. While these results don’t offer the best quantitative data, you can get a feel for the customer's thought process to create enhanced brand content. 

While you can approach split testing in a few different ways, they all require patience. Split testing is a time commitment, but the results can help you immensely in the long run. 

What Elements of Your Listing Can You Run A/B Tests On?

Now that you know how to run split testing, you may want to jump in. But before you do, it may serve you well to consider which components you should test out first. 

A few key components that could benefit from testing for better Amazon listing optimization include:

  • Product images – Some argue images hold the most importance in your listing. It sparks customer imagination and interest. Compare two samples to see which makes your product pop the most. 
  • Titles –  Make your product title as straightforward as possible for the best results. Including descriptors that relate to size, function, and color can also make a title stand out. 
  • Bullet pointsGive concise information about your products that incite interest. Bullets provide an excellent place to use any researched SEO keywords, and A/B testing can help decipher which ones achieve the best results. 
  • Description – The product description adds more detail to your Amazon listing (while still including high-performing keywords). This space can also amplify your brand voice. Just make sure your copy flows nicely. 

As stated before, A/B testing can take time. So, you’d be wise to start with the component you predict will make the most substantial difference. This way, you can yield the best results for as long as possible. 

Best Practices for A/B Testing

You should do your best to employ an analytical approach when executing A/B tests. Practicing precision, attention, and action can make the Amazon A/B testing incredibly fruitful. 

Try our best practices for A/B testing to keep you on the right track:

  • Don’t test when external interference is likely (holidays, Black Friday sales, etc.)
  • Test each factor separately with one version A & one version B
  • Give each element the same amount of time for testing
  • Research high-performing keywords beforehand
  • Run your test multiple times a week

Staying consistent with testing can help transform your brand into a household name in no time. 

Put Your Brand to the Test with Forum 

Taking the time to ensure your listing reads as seamlessly as possible can help you return on ad spend (ROAS) and create customers for life. Small details add up and could be the key to unlocking your brand’s full potential. 

At Forum Brands, we believe that small changes can turn into large-scale transformations. If your brand is undergoing a transformation, we’re here to help. We buy brands seeking further upward mobility. Whether you’re hoping to sell your business, improve the fundamentals, or learn how to increase traffic to improve your Amazon brand referral bonus, our board of FBA experts can help move your brand upwards. 


Amazon. Experiment your way to sales growth using our new A/B testing options.

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